Monday, May 3, 2021

finding affirmation: [part 2] why now?!

[part 1]

Note: This blog series is just an introductory conversation about my experiences surrounding LGBTQ affirmation, not a deep dive into the topic. I'm writing this primarily for those who have only casually thought about the topic, without deeper exploration. If you are someone who has spent time exploring the depths of the scriptures and the arguments on both sides of LGBTQ inclusion & affirmation, and --through that exploration-- have found yourself in a non-affirming position, this post is not for you.


As someone who is theologically affirming of my LGBTQ neighbors BECAUSE of my exploration of scripture, not in spite of it, another statement I hear all the time is this:

“Personally, I really want to be affirming, but I just can’t get past the literal words on the pages of the Bible. It’s too big an obstacle.”

And the response in my head is usually: “Ok. But why?” 

Or more accurately, “Why now?”

Usually the conversation partner has already gone beyond the literal words on the page quite often in their interpretation of scripture.

They usually: 

  • support war for causes they perceive to be just, instead of turning the other cheek as Jesus taught

  • attend churches where women aren’t required to be silent, in contrast to Paul’s teaching

  • embrace braided hair for women, allow haircuts for their daughters, and don’t protest the man bun

  • defend themselves in court if sued

  • believe it is proper for slaves to resist, protest, and fight for their freedom

And all these interpretive choices have usually been made without much hand-wringing.

I’ve never heard someone say, “I don’t pray with my head covered, but I wrestle with that 1 Corinthians 11 passage daily.”

No. In so many other circumstances, the need for interpretation is considered a normal part of understanding scripture.

But here, the literal words, apart from any deeper study & interpretation, often get presented as an insurmountable barrier.

Why now? Why on this issue, differently than the others?

Here, any effort to do historical, cultural, & textual exploration to inform interpretation (as are common for these other topics) is often construed as pursuing an agenda.

Why now? Why on this issue?

What is different about this issue that causes so many to embrace different standards for interpretation than they have already embraced regarding other issues?

I’ll leave that answer to our own self-exploration.

Now, I don’t assume that everyone who dives deeply into the interpretive process on this topic will come to the same conclusion I have. It’s complicated. I believe there are good people that will explore the depths of this and come to decisions I disagree with.

All I ask is that we try to apply the same standards for interpretation to understanding this issue that we have to the other issues throughout scripture. And either the literal words on the page are an insurmountable obstacle, or they’re not. 

But if they sometimes are, and sometimes aren’t. I have to ask...

Why now?


Final note: Once more, this is a blog post about the need to take complicated interpretation seriously, not a public space for anyone to publicly debate the status of my LGBTQ brothers & sisters. There will be zero tolerance for that.

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