Sunday, January 25, 2009

False Assumptions

It seems every time I prepare a lesson for church, I start out with a direction that is proven incorrect by my studies of the scripture.  I come to the table with assumptions of what the Bible says and how it applies, often looking for scriptural support for my already held belief.

Time after time, however, I not only can't find support for my assumptions, but I actually find that scripture presents the topic in an entirely different light.

On one hand, I like the learning experience, but do I really have to have my world rocked every week?

It never ceases to amaze me how much common assumptions have formed the way I look at the world.  I am scared to see how much my life will change by the time I am old as I continue to study each week.

What assumptions have you ever made about God or scripture that you seem to find incorrect upon further study?


  1. That He supports U.S. wars and foreign policy.

  2. That women belong "in their proper place" (read: 1905's style) in society.

  3. Reminds me of the king in the King & I:
    There are times I almost think
    Nobody sure of what he absolutely know.
    Everybody find confusion
    In conclusion he concluded long ago
    And it puzzle me to learn
    That tho' a man may be in doubt of what he know,
    Very quickly he will fight...
    He'll fight to prove that what he does not know is so!
